Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Find us on Facebook!

This blog is no longer being updated. Find us on Facebook instead! Programs, book reviews, and more -- all in one spot!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fall Program Info!

To answer the many questions we've been getting about Fall Programs, here it is!
Please call the Children's Desk at 825-0701 if you have any questions and hope to see many of you at storytime!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fall Program Information

Some of you have been asking for information about our fall programs. With the Summer Library Program just on the verge of wrapping up, we unfortunately do not yet have this information ready to give! Please feel free to check either this blog, our website, or at the Children's desk starting the last week of August - we will have information on fall programs then.

Thanks! -Ms. Sandy

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Week of Summer Reading!

Hello Readers!

This is just a reminder to everyone that Saturday, August 7 is the last day of the Sun Prairie Public Library's Summer Reading Program. This is the last day for kids to check in and get prizes for either the kid's blue reading booklet, extra challenge booklet, or the infant and toddler booklets. Make sure that you get reading and visit the library as soon as possible!

Also remember that our pool party for those readers who finish their blue reading booklets or infants and toddlers who finish their yellow booklets will also take place on August 7 at 6:00. All children must have a pass in order to attend the pool party - no exceptions! If you want to attend the pool party, make sure that you finish your booklet and check in at the library before we close on August 7. Children cannot come as guests of those who have earned their pool passes - this is reserved for parents or adult chaperones only!

August 7 is also the last day of the teen reading program. This is the last day to drop off reading raffle tickets, extra challenge booklets, and writing contest entries. The drawing for prizes will take pace sometime during the week following August 7, and all winners will be notified by phone when it is time to pick up their prizes.

We look forward to seeing you all at the library! Happy reading. -Ms. Sandy

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mark Hayward

Our last performer of the summer is Mark Hayward, world champion yo-yoer and juggler. Join us as he wows audiences with his amazing skills. This show is not to be missed!

Mark Hayward will be putting on two shows on Tuesday, August 3 - one at 11:00 a.m. and one at 1:00 p.m. All ages are welcome.

Space is limited. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis. The doors to the Community Room will open about 10 minutes before the program start time.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Has Everyone Been Reading?

Two weeks remain in our Summer Library Program. Wow, the summer has flown by! Throughout the months of June and July the staff at the Children's desk has talked with hundreds of kids about the different books that they have read. Here are just a handful of the books that we've seen written down in kids' blue booklets:

What have you or your children been reading this summer? Share some of your favorites here in the comments.

Remember, the last day of the Summer Library Program is August 7. Make sure you visit the library soon to collect your prizes before the program ends! -Ms. Sandy